Tuesday, June 26, 2007

9. Challenges and Discoveries

Last weekend I attained the Reiki level 2 qualification which means I am now an advanced Reiki practitioner. It was a really wonderful day, receiving the attunements was very powerful and once again Bryan (my Reiki master) made everything so easy and enjoyable. It was also a pleasure to meet Mark my fellow student for the day who had done his level 1 the day before.

The challenges started almost straightaway as last week I worked on a client with a spirit attachment, which I would imagine is a fairly rare occurence! I have also begun a lot of distant healing for a variety of complaints including broken bones, cancer, grief, anxiety and even sent healing to a theatrical performance!

An important part of Reiki is self healing which I work on every day. I have also been sending healing to myself in the past to times when I was troubled, anguished and upset. This doesn't make the situations that caused these feelings to no longer have taken place but it does mean that the negative impact they might still have on me has been eased.

By the same token it is possible to send healing into the future. That is what I did with the theatrical performance I sent reiki to as I wouldn't have been able to send it at the actual time it was needed due to prior commitments. This could be done for any potentially stressful or worrying future event so that when the actual time came pre-programmed reiki would go to work on whatever part of that event needed it - we may not know exactly where it was needed ourselves but we can trust the healing to direct itself as it always works for the highest good.

Feel free to contact me via email in the first instance if you would like some distant healing set up for you or indeed hands on healing in my new healing room in Leeds (see previous post).

Love and blessings


Thursday, June 14, 2007

8. Changing Rooms

I have now (in an astonishingly short space of time) converted my home office into a healing room! And wondrous it is to behold. I started re-decorating it on Monday afternoon and had finished by Wednesday morning, that included: emptying the room, preparing the walls, 2 coats of emulsion, 2 coats of satinwood in two different colours, doing a paint effect on the desk, cabinet and shelves and the wooden floor (including varnish) and the fiddly bits too like doorknobs and light switches etc. As the satinwood takes 16 hours to dry and it needed two coats then I appear to have discovered a rip in the time space continuum in order to have been able to achieve this mind boggling feat - perhaps some physicists and mathemeticians could look into it for me?

Anyway, it really is a joy to behold and I spent several happy hours yesterday afternoon in it arranging my towels, blankets, certificates, books and crystals etc. In fact, I had to drag myself away or I would never have got to bed! Can't wait for my first victim, errrr I mean recipient of treatment (which I already have booked in - reflexology next Tuesday).
Let me know if you would like to come and have a therapy session in my sparkly new room (see profile for my email).
Have also done some further fine tuning to the Ray of Light website, change of colour scheme, more images etc - have a look and see what you think by following the link in the list opposite.
Love and blessings

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

7. Web of Light

I have designed my own proper Ray of Light website! It took me all afternoon and most of the evening- phew. It's a bit basic as yet but I'm still very pleased. Please, please, please come and have a look at my new pride and joy at:

And let me know what you think by posting a comment here.

Love and blessings from

6. Shiny Happy Crystals and the Couch of Joy

I'm just loving learning lots more about how to use crystals. Sometimes, all the different properties of different crystals makes me feel a bit overwhelmed but when I just relax and trust which crystal is right for what purpose then the answer seems to come. I've been using my chakra crystals for a bit now and also crystal grids to energise or relax and to concentrate healing on particular areas. I've also been learning today about cleaning the aura with a quartz crystal point and also cleaning the chakras with it too, which is very effective indeed. Having just tried this on myself I feel all sparkly and bright and full of light! If anyone would like to know how to do this themselves post a message in the comments at the end or email me and I'll explain. You'll need a clear quartz crystal point ideally (any size) but it can be done with any crystal you might have lying around.

On Monday my beautiful new massage couch arrived, which is a sheer joy to behold, heavenly to lie on and even better to use during healing as I can adjust it to the most comfortable height for me to work at. When I had to work on the floor my back and arms often got tired or my feet went to sleep which is hardly conducive to a good healing session! The kitty cats are also rather keen on the new bed and seem to want to join in with the healing, furry pest therapists indeed! I now also have some gorgeous caramel coloured towels to cover the couch with and a butter coloured soft fleece blanket to keep clients warm with whilst they are being treated, all courtesy of Primark the temple of retail therapy where I worship at regular intervals.

Love and blessings from



Saturday, June 02, 2007

5. Tree Hugging

I admit it, I confess, yes - I am a tree hugger! In fact, I embraced several of my bark-attired friends yesterday evening. It's not just a whimsical fancy though as you will discover if you ever try it yourself. Putting your arms round one of these wise and beautiful denizens of the forest is a really wonderful grounding and energising exercise. Get right up close to the tree and rest your body on it with your arms circling the trunk and your face resting against the bark. Then look up into it's branches and prepare to be overwhelmed, especially if it's quite a big tree. Actually, I am saying "it" when in fact they are definitely he or she. You will be able to tell what kind of tree spirit you are hugging from the general "male" or "female" ambience it gives. There are two lovely big sycamores in my local graveyard who I visited last night and they are undoubtedly a couple, the female tree is very warm and fragrant and giving whereas her husband though still wonderful to embrace is slightly more aloof but very enigmatic.

The trees seem to love it when we step under their branches, they welcome us and seem delighted that we haven't just walked on by. Trees are very healing and giving, as well as being good for the environment of course, if we want to we can draw up healing energy through them from the earth. This is an excellent habit to get into for anyone who does energy work as we need to revitalise ourselves in order to be able to be a good channel for energy for others. Getting some wonderful green tree energy is a great way to clear any bits of debris that we may have hanging around our auras. Try it, its free and its fun! Who knows, the tree spirit may even tell you some of its secrets : )

As well as regular tree hugging you can also use the symbolism of the tree, its branches and its roots as a good grounding and centering meditation, as follows:

Ideally, sit under a favourite tree or if this is not possible simply visualise yourself sat with your back resting on its trunk. Now, close your eyes and take a few deep breaths in and out until you are calm and you are breathing slowly and evenly. Then imagine that on each out breath you are pushing strong roots through the base of your spinal column deep into the earth so that they entwine with the roots of the tree, let them carry on down, down, down right to the earth's core and when you feel you are so strongly rooted that not even a hurricane could dislodge you start to draw up on each in breath the earth's energy, just like the tree does through it's roots. Draw this healing energy up through your body up your spine and out through the top of the head where it merges with the trees branches and comes flowing down through them to fall back down to ground again where it returns to its source. Continue with this until you have a complete cycle of energy being drawn up and returned and enjoy this for as long as you wish. When you are ready, gradually retract your roots back up through the earth and into the base of your spine again and then open your eyes.

Try this meditation and visualisation to literally root yourself if you are feeling a bit "spacey" or that your head has too many thoughts in it battling for space, it's an excellent exercise to do if your root chakra is a bit closed.

In any event, get in a clinch with a leafy friend at the earliest opportunity!

Love and blessings



Friday, June 01, 2007

4. Out of the Blue

I've been waiting for some time now to enrol on a crystal healing course I want to do but just haven't had the readies until today when I unexpectedly received a small share dividend payment, for exactly the amount I needed!

Last night a pagan friend of mine sent me a text to remind me it was a Blue Moon which is especially powerful for long term goals and to take five minutes to talk with the moon and ask for guidance and help in achieving your dreams. So I drew down the power of the Blue Moon to help and guide me on the path of the healer. I also remembered to leave my crystals out in the moonlight to cleanse and charge them. And then this morning the cheque arrives! Out of the blue (moon) indeed. As I look at the Full Moon tonight I shall indeed be giving thanks for her help.

Love and blessings from
