Wednesday, June 06, 2007

6. Shiny Happy Crystals and the Couch of Joy

I'm just loving learning lots more about how to use crystals. Sometimes, all the different properties of different crystals makes me feel a bit overwhelmed but when I just relax and trust which crystal is right for what purpose then the answer seems to come. I've been using my chakra crystals for a bit now and also crystal grids to energise or relax and to concentrate healing on particular areas. I've also been learning today about cleaning the aura with a quartz crystal point and also cleaning the chakras with it too, which is very effective indeed. Having just tried this on myself I feel all sparkly and bright and full of light! If anyone would like to know how to do this themselves post a message in the comments at the end or email me and I'll explain. You'll need a clear quartz crystal point ideally (any size) but it can be done with any crystal you might have lying around.

On Monday my beautiful new massage couch arrived, which is a sheer joy to behold, heavenly to lie on and even better to use during healing as I can adjust it to the most comfortable height for me to work at. When I had to work on the floor my back and arms often got tired or my feet went to sleep which is hardly conducive to a good healing session! The kitty cats are also rather keen on the new bed and seem to want to join in with the healing, furry pest therapists indeed! I now also have some gorgeous caramel coloured towels to cover the couch with and a butter coloured soft fleece blanket to keep clients warm with whilst they are being treated, all courtesy of Primark the temple of retail therapy where I worship at regular intervals.

Love and blessings from



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