I am discovering that many of the healing disciplines I come across are very much involved with chakra work. The chakras are important energy centres in the body which need to be in balance for optimum mental, spiritual and physical health. They have been an important part of healing for many thousands of years and the word chakra is actually a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, point or circle. It is pronounced with a hard ch as in church not sh as chardonnay.
I am just beginning to learn about chakras and how they can be used in healing, previously I had only worked with them in meditation and opening them for ritual. Now I have also started working with them during reiki which can be used to balance a person's chakras with the help of a pendulum and suitably coloured crystals placed at the seven main chakra points on the body during a healing session.
Each chakra corresponds to a different colour and to different purposes, they also correspond to important glands and organs in the body.
I drew this simple picture to help me understand the different purposes of each main chakra and to help me visualise them more clearly (click on it to have a look at the full size version).
To find out more about chakras and to do a test to see if yours are in balance visit this link:
When I did the test my root chakra was underactive and my third eye chakra was overactive so looks like I've got some work to do! Let me know how you got on by posting a reply.
Love and blessings