Wednesday, May 30, 2007

3. Chakras

I am discovering that many of the healing disciplines I come across are very much involved with chakra work. The chakras are important energy centres in the body which need to be in balance for optimum mental, spiritual and physical health. They have been an important part of healing for many thousands of years and the word chakra is actually a Sanskrit word meaning wheel, point or circle. It is pronounced with a hard ch as in church not sh as chardonnay.
I am just beginning to learn about chakras and how they can be used in healing, previously I had only worked with them in meditation and opening them for ritual. Now I have also started working with them during reiki which can be used to balance a person's chakras with the help of a pendulum and suitably coloured crystals placed at the seven main chakra points on the body during a healing session.

Each chakra corresponds to a different colour and to different purposes, they also correspond to important glands and organs in the body.
I drew this simple picture to help me understand the different purposes of each main chakra and to help me visualise them more clearly (click on it to have a look at the full size version).
To find out more about chakras and to do a test to see if yours are in balance visit this link:
When I did the test my root chakra was underactive and my third eye chakra was overactive so looks like I've got some work to do! Let me know how you got on by posting a reply.
Love and blessings

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

2. First Steps

I decided to learn Reiki first as this is something that I knew I could use in conjunction with all the other touch therapies I want to learn. It naturally would be part of any massage treatment and during a reiki treatment crystals and colour can be used to accentuate and focus energy. I could already do hands on healing (which is basically all Reiki is) but I didn't have the knowledge and attunements that learning Reiki gives. My ability to work with healing energy is much stronger now and I have a format to work within - before I was very hit and miss!

Reiki is a word made from two Japanese pictograms Rei and Ki which together mean Universal Life Force, it is non-denominational, simple to do and it works (regardless of whether you believe in it or not). I have my own ideas about where the energy comes from but it doesn't actually matter what your faith is, you just have to believe in a higher good.

The particular way in which Reiki has affected me since I have been learning and practising it is that I have become an even calmer, more carefree, more thoughtful and more centred person. It has been wonderful to practice on different friends and feel the different ways in which they draw the energy through me. Which brings me to an important point; it is not me who does the healing - I merely direct it having opened myself as a channel, it is the receiver who draws it through me. And guess what? Every time I use reiki on someone I get healed at the same time as it passes through me, so everyone's a winner!

Feel free to get in touch with me if you would like to experience some healing - once I have Reiki 2 I will be able to do distant healing too.

If you would like to find out more about Reiki follow this link to my teacher Bryan's website which will tell you more:-

Love and blessings

1. Beginning

I'm writing this blog to document my journey as I become a healer. I plan to learn various holistic therapies and have started with Reiki. I already have Reiki 1 and am doing 2 soon. I have taken a taster course in reflexology and am starting a part time course in Anatomy and Physiology with Swedish Body Massage in September at a local college; this is the pre-requisite course to be able to do other holistic therapies in the future (Indian Head Massage, Reflexology, Aromatherapy etc). I am going to start a Crystal Healing course soon and also want to learn Colour Healing.

I am soon going to start volunteering at the Macmillan drop in centre at my local hospital where I shall be a library volunteer to begin with and as I gain qualifications I hope to be able to volunteer my services there as a complementary therapist.

This latest development on the path I am walking is the result of a gradual spiritual awakening that has been going on for sometime. I believe I was always a spiritual person but in the last 7 to 10 years it has become more important for me to develop this aspect of myself, culminating in my realisation that to achieve peace and poise of mind I must apply my beliefs to all aspects of my life, including my work life - hence my deciding to retrain.I hope this blog will help me find other people who may be on a similar journey, perhaps we can help each other or just offer each other support.

Love and blessings
