Monday, April 21, 2008

19. Progress

Here's a pic of me at the Open Day at Milun Women's Centre, which was a brilliant day, lots of fun and generated lots of interest in the therapies I'm offering. I did a variety of sample treatments for people attending the open day, several foot massages; a number of back, shoulder, neck and arm massages and even a couple of reiki healings. I am starting officially at the centre on the 6th May and already have a couple of bookings. I shall be there every tuesday afternoon, at Centrica on Thursdays from 10am till 3pm and at North Leeds Therapy Centre the rest of the time.

Check out my website for prices and special offers, plus there's 10% off everything throughout April, May and June.

Earlier this month I was delighted to pass my Crystal Healing exam with flying colours, gaining an A grade! I'm offering a free 30 minute crystal healing treatment with any other therapy booked during April, May and June.

So if you'd like to make an appointment give me a ring on 0780 6774068 or 0113 2161615, alternatively email on

Blessings from



Tuesday, April 01, 2008

18. And so it begins

Well, it had to happen. I am officially freaking out because I shall have to commit to actually starting my own business now. I have decided to offer reiki, crystal healing and massage as a therapist from the 1st May. I have two therapy spaces on offer - the Milun Women's Centre in Harehills and the North Leeds Therapy Centre in Oakwood. I plan to work from these two locations one day a week each. I also have the opportunity of working with Centrica (the umbrella company of British Gas) on a regular basis, offering therapies in the workplace to their call centre staff. Now all I have to do is get customers. Simple as that, or not as the case may be. But, I have done my market research; I have all my information in place; I have my promotional material printed. All that remains is to get out there and deliver the possibility to the public. Surely, not such an onerous task with my organisational and interpersonal skills? I hope not. Wish me luck!