Sunday, September 09, 2007

13. Equine Reiki

I was lucky enough this week to have the opportunity of giving a reiki treatment to a horse. I have wanted to work on animals as well as humans right from the start so you can imagine how thrilled I was.
Solo is a beautiful black 16 year old female horse who suffered some mistreatment up until the age of five with her first owner. Her present owner has had her since then and though she is a very calm, well behaved horse now this is only due to the patient loving care that she has received since her bad start in life.
Having never treated a horse before and not knowing much about them I did a little research first and discovered that a horse's chakras are in the same place as human's - except that it is easiest to work along the spine of course from above rather than as one would on a human with them lying down.
Having introduced myself to Solo and asked her permission to give her healing I set about checking her chakras for imbalances with my pendulum. I worked on opening her heart and sacral chakras as these were a bit closed.
Next I worked from Solo's head right down her body in much the same way as with a human except of course it took a little longer as she is much bigger! She has a right foreleg injury due to a fall which was the only problem I knew about prior to the session, I had purposely asked her owner not to tell me what other complaints she had so I could see if I could spot anything else. Working down her neck I was aware she had problems there also and it transpired that since the fall which injured her foreleg she has suffered spasms right down her neck as this was also injured.
It was fascinating to see how Solo communicated things to me via her movements and via signals that her owner understood - for example, when I asked her permission to do some healing on her she straightaway nibbled twice very deliberately at her leg where it is giving her pain and causing her to limp; which I took as an indication that she consented to the treatment along with the fact that she didn't object to me touching her in any way. I mostly worked in Solo's etheric body and when I got to other areas that were causing her pain she communicated this to her owner by half closing her eyes and moving her lips and mouth in a particular way - these are established signals that Solo already uses to indicate pain. I located trouble she has with her pelvis and also with arthritis in her left back leg and worked on all these areas for some time. I also worked on her heart and sacral chakras as I think the imbalances she has there are probably due to emotional problems she still has because of being mistreated as a young horse. I got the number 9 very clearly in my head at one point and we worked out that when Solo was 9 years old her owner had moved her to her present stabling and paddock and since then no-one but her owner had worked with her. Prior to this other people had occasionally ridden her and taken care of her as well as her owner but this had not suited Solo at all - since the change she had been much happier and more settled and her behaviour had vastly improved.
I also gave Solo a lot of reiki through her crown chakra because she had suffered in the past with obsessional behaviour and also as a way of treating her whole body and aura at once.
It was a very great honour to work on this wonderful horse and I hope to have the chance to work on more of these beautiful creatures in the future.
Love and blessings from


Sherryl said...

Just read your article which was just what I needed to hear.
Have recently started my 'journey' with a friend saying to me yesterday...what you are meant to do will just come to you and yep it did...healing touch but not so much on humans, maybe more so with animals.
I'd love to hear how you are going with this.
Regards Sherryl

Anna said...

Hi Sherryl, thanks for your comment. I'll visit your blog and have a look what you've been up to too!