Monday, July 23, 2007

11. Volunteering is good for the soul!

I'll shall soon be starting volunteering my services as a Reiki Healer at the Robert Ogden Macmillan Centre based at St James Hospital in Leeds. The Centre is a purpose built cancer information and support Centre. It supports cancer patients and their families. No clinical work is carried out in the building, but there is a wide variety of support services. These include:

Complementary therapies (currently Reiki, Colour Analysis, Reflexology, Spiritual Healing, Crano-Sacral Therapy, Hand and Foot Massage, Aromatherapy, Body Massage and Indian Head Massage), Counselling , Art Therapy, Beauty makeovers and Support groups

The therapies offered are available for both patients and their carers.

The information service is centered around the comprehensive information library in the Centre. There is also an information outreach service to the oncology wards and departments.

I'm already involved with the information outreach service but the Centre had no-one offering reiki treatments at present so I was happy to step into the breach! It's a great opportunity for me to meet other therapists too.

If you or someone you know has been affected by cancer and feel that what the centre has to offer could be beneficial it is open 10am - 4pm as a drop in service. It is located adjacent to the Cancer Research Building, directly behind the Thackray Museum.
Tel: 0113 2066498 or 2066499, Email:

Love and blessings from
